Sunday, April 6, 2008
My Hometown Urumqi
A cold Day
The sping Hotel
A Springs Timeline... 1874 - The Springs Hotel is constructed after the potential of the site was discovered by a member of the Royal Household 1912 - Substantial additions including the Winter Gardens and an oak panelled library. 1973 - International pop star, Ian Gillan of the band Deep Purple purchases the house and constructs a guitar-shaped pool.
The Springs is a fine example of a Victorian-style country house. Constructed in 1874, it overlooks a spring-fed lake set in rolling parkland.
Jimmy's Subway Book
As my favorite image book, Jimmy's Subway Book brings me lots of dreams.
We're extremely fortunate not to know precisely the kind of world we live in. --Wislawa Szymborska
Vincent van Gogh
Starry starry night
My roommates and I decided to join these crazy people.
You can not ignore the allure of millions of dollars.
The History of the Lottery
It is possible that the history of the lottery goes back as far as times of Moses. There is some contention among Biblical scholars about this. Certainly, it would not be all that seemly if a great religious character should profit from gambling. But in the Book of Numbers of the Old Testament it is written that Moses was awarded land near the River Jordan after playing a local lottery. No wonder so many people today still pray before picking their numbers.
Lotteries are not mentioned in historical writings much until 200 BC in China, when the Hun Dynasty used lotteries to raise funds for taxes. In 200 BC Emperor Cheung Leung invented The Chinese Lottery. Today this game has survived as what we know as Keno. Revenue from the Chinese Lottery was used to build the Great Wall of China. It is also thought that playing the lottery in Europe may date back as far as the times of Julius Caesar, in the first century before Christ.
See, lottery has attracted people for many years.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
My memrory of the first Christmas in Canada
This is a video of my first time to see the Christmas Light in Calgary. It is a beautiful place for me to visit.
My boyfriend and I went to there to celebrate the Christmas. Although he is not good at shooting. And the video is not clear to watch. That is the bridge to let me think about the past time.
Christmas is an annual holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus. It refers both to the day celebrating the birth, as well as to the season which that day inaugurates, which concludes with the Feast of the Epiphany. The date of the celebration is traditional, and is not considered to be his actual date of birth. Christmas festivities often combine the commemoration of Jesus' birth with various cultural customs, many of which have been influenced by earlier winter festivals. Although nominally a Christian holiday, it is also observed as a cultural holiday by many non-Christians.
Bona and his family
A slipped cat is an artful cat
The cats enjoy their happiness
I start my Blog finally
In the past few months, I have lived without the Internet for a long time. I never appeared in my chat program and Chinese Blogs for nearly 3 months. Oh, how lazy and busy I am!
At this moment, I am listening one of my favorite songs while I am writing this poster. The title of this song is Silent All these Years which was sung by Troi Amos. The song is so fit my situation now that I have kept silent all these months. ^_^
When I had my first Chinese Blog in my mid-school age. I thought a question why we need a blog. I thought out some reasons. First, everyone needs room to confide and express their feeling of life. Second, we are all actors in our own life, so we perfer to let more people know ourselves. Third, in this tech time, people communicate with others through the Internet and phones instead of talking face to face.
This is my first English Blog. You can read some interesting stories about my cats in the coming posts.