Sunday, April 6, 2008


Many people are crazy at Lottery all around the world.
My roommates and I decided to join these crazy people.
You can not ignore the allure of millions of dollars.

The History of the Lottery
It is possible that the history of the lottery goes back as far as times of Moses. There is some contention among Biblical scholars about this. Certainly, it would not be all that seemly if a great religious character should profit from gambling. But in the Book of Numbers of the Old Testament it is written that Moses was awarded land near the River Jordan after playing a local lottery. No wonder so many people today still pray before picking their numbers.
Lotteries are not mentioned in historical writings much until 200 BC in China, when the Hun Dynasty used lotteries to raise funds for taxes. In 200 BC Emperor Cheung Leung invented The Chinese Lottery. Today this game has survived as what we know as Keno. Revenue from the Chinese Lottery was used to build the Great Wall of China. It is also thought that playing the lottery in Europe may date back as far as the times of Julius Caesar, in the first century before Christ.

See, lottery has attracted people for many years.

1 comment:

G-chenz said...

Lottery, it is also used in dividing rooms for our residence because there are always so many people applied for them.
Unfornately, I am not so luck to be a member to have a room.
I don't think it's good.